Nov 26, 2009

Busy Beading Bee

I have been busy these past few days and I am enjoying it! It is so nice to have a break from the everyday routine and from the lemming lifestyle. One thing I have found is that given enough time, creativity can flourish and blossom naturally resulting in "true to self "pieces. I can create and I am not doing it with the mindset that I should create x amount of pieces in the few hours after work and during the limited amount of hours in the weekend.

These past few days have inspired me to continue striving for the goal of owning my own business. I can't say that I know how it feels to enjoy or love what I do. Every job that I have had has been just that, a "job". Its time for a change and I won't give up until I can say, with joy and conviction, that "this is what I love and I wouldn't do anything else!"

So here are some pics of my activities the past few days : )

Layered Pumpkin Cheesecake and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Some bead shopping

The beginning work of a new polymer clay addiction

New take on earrings

And more to come. I hope to take much needed pictures of my work tomorrow as today was quite overcast and wet. Need to prepare for our "Black Friday" sales.

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